Comic Genius - A comedy sketch is racking up hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube.
— Queerty
Your mum’ jokes are a staple of playground culture, but one comedian took the jab pretty literally in a sketch that has gone viral on YouTube.
— Pink News
“The audience goes wild at the revelation [of the performance].
— Logo, NewNowNext
Queer Year - LGBTQ Atlanta Influencers make plans for the New Year
— Project Q Atlanta
TikToker Nathan Pearson and Dominique Jackson had this iconic moment together on “The $100,000 Pyramid.”
— Digg
...But at the very least, it creates a hilarious skit. Specifically, it’s comedian Nathan Pearson’s character sketch that got us laughing at the idea.
— Instinct Magazine
It’s no surprise, then, that Sabatine makes the perfect guest on Secure the Gag, a podcast where host Nathan Pearson interviews funny queers about the internet gags that made them famous.
— Vulture